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Certified CONEXO MULTISEAL: Tested as Strongest Adhesive tape, Reliable for Making Your Building Envelope Airtight!

Adhesive tapes have always been and will continue to be a crucial component in securing the air and windtight connections in building envelopes. For energy-efficient, performance construction, in particular, selecting the suitable tape makes a significant difference in durability, reduced energy consumption, and indoor air quality (IAQ).

A set of performance tests were carried out to assess the superior performance of Partel CONEXO MULTISEAL under the AAMA and AATCC standards and several ASTM test standards to provide designers and builders with quality assurance.

The below standards were chosen to determine the suitability of CONEXO MULTISEAL to identify characteristics such as tensile strength testing, adhesion testing, water-resistance testing, cold temperature testing, and accelerated aging for sheathing, window flashing, and roof membrane applications.


All tests and evaluations were conducted in accordance with the written procedures specified in the referenced standards.

Summary of Test


• Water Penetration Testing

Water penetration is an important property to determine when the tape may be exposed to water. Following a successful test, Partel’s CONEXO MULTISEAL meets the performance criteria for water penetration resistance, providing outstanding capabilities for sealing windows, doors, skylights, and curtain walls. CONEXO MULTISEAL has proven its integrity in the most rigorous conditions due to the innovative performance-based acrylic adhesive.

• Nail Sealing Performance

CONEXO MULTISEAL was tested for nail sealing performance and earned passing results. This indicates good performance for window installation and flashing applications.

• Thickness:

CONEXO MULTISEAL was found to be significantly thinner than the ASTM D1970 minimum thickness of 1 mm.

• Maximum load and elongation at break per ASTM D2523/2523M

The aim of this test was to establish the relative strength of tape-based on the size in which it was purchased or utilized. Another objective is to identify or characterize a particular backing material.

The CONEXO MULTISEAL was designed with a unique backing that is highly flexible without breaking. During the elongation test, the backing did not split. This has provided the material with unique properties such as flexibility and durability, enabling it to bind well to complex surfaces.

• Adhesion to plywood per modified D903 by ASTM D1970

CONEXO MULTISEAL was formulated using an extremely aggressive adhesive process to ensure long-lasting adhesion to various surfaces, making it ideal for use in the building and construction industry. Its adhesion to plywood values well surpassed ASTM D1970 specifications.

• Thermal stability

The CONEXO MULTISEAL system was created with extreme durability in mind, both in the backing and the adhesive. Due to its durability in the film carrier and high shear resistance of the adhesive, there was no shrinkage in any dimension of the product during the test, and no adhesive flowed out of the samples after heat exposure, making it a good product for the building and construction industry.

• Flexibility at -29°C

Samples of CONEXO MULTISEAL and the 25 mm mandrel were conditioned to -29°C. There was no evidence of leakage at any joints or beneath the assembly, indicating an ideal tape for sealing lap joints, especially in climate zones with high rainfall and humidity.

• Tear resistance per ASTM D4073/D4073M

CONEXO MULTISEAL adhesive is highly tear-resistant, advantageous for both handlings during installation and long-term use in the application.

• Capability to seal around nail ASTM D7349/7349M

The Partel adhesive tape complies with this standard as no water was seen in the catch basin, the nail shanks, and the underlayment during the test.

• Waterproof integrity of side lap seam

CONEXO MULTISEAL is the ideal tape for sealing lap joints. This is beneficial in building and construction, especially in climate zones with high rainfall and humidity.

The ASTM D1970 test results demonstrate that CONEXO MULTISEAL is an exceptional solution for high-quality building applications. The above test results prove that the tape exhibits excellent all-around bonding properties and high adhesive strength, offering a long-lasting adhesion to a variety of surfaces in severe temperature and weather conditions without degradation. Partel CONEXO MULTISEAL has the required technical properties to provide significant benefits to both designers and builders of today’s energy-efficient building systems.

We at Partel encourage and promote sustainable, high-performance building components at each stage of construction.

View the complete Test Report here, and to learn more about CONEXO MULTISEAL, view the product page.

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