Why CompacFoam?
COMPACFOAM’s innovation was to dramatically improve the performance of this well established technology, allowing it to reach considerably higher densities. These results in unique material properties combined with the safety of a time-tested and proven material.
It is a strong lightweight rigid insulation made from thermoplastic foam, based on polystyrene a polymer with a density ranging from 100 to 400 kg/m3. Its physical and chemical structure corresponds to that of the more familiar expanded polystyrene (EPS). Tiny closed-cell foam balls of less than a millimeter in diameter are welded thermally into a compact block by their cell walls.
The lightweight material for construction and insulation.
COMPACFOAM can be used in a wide range of applications where structural support and the possibility of obtaining secure fixings into the material are required. It can often be used as a replacement for timber battens in these applications, where thermal bridging is to be reduced. It is ideally suited for support for door thresholds and window installation, where it is important to minimise thermal bridging.